Picture Book Mentorship WINNER announcement

Thank you to everyone who entered the competition to win a six month picture book mentorship. There were 97 entries in total! I wish I could offer 97 mentorships but I’d never get my own writing done if I did. So unfortunately, I had to stick with one winner.

Without further ado, here is my eldest preparing to draw a name out of her festive hat:

Preparing to draw a name from her festive hat.

My eldest playing Santa Claus.

And here’s the name she drew out:

And the winning name is....

And the winning name is….

Congratulations, JILL GIESBRECHT! (I’ll be in touch by email shortly.)

Although the competition is over, I’m still answering questions about writing picture books on the original “Ask a Picture Book Author” blog post here. Also, if you’re looking for a critique, please know that my fees are currently reduced.

Thanks again to everyone who entered, and a big thank you to the members of the kidlit community who have helped me on my own picture book writing journey!

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4 Responses to Picture Book Mentorship WINNER announcement

  1. Janet Frenck Sheets says:

    Lucky Jill! Thanks for your willingness to help unpublished writers.

  2. Jill Giesbrecht says:

    Thank you so much!!! Looking forward to learning from you!

  3. admin says:

    And I look forward to working with you, Jill!

  4. Congratulations, Jill. I hope this helps you see growth and success on your writing journey!

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